Southeast Delco School District Math Night
Every year the Southeast Delco School District hosts a Math Night in one of the 1-8 buildings. The goal of having a Math Night is to bring together teachers, administration, students, family members and community partners for the span of one evening by making Math accessible to everyone. Parents and children play Math games and learn Math content as they circulate from classroom to classroom. Teachers put together relevant activities so parents engage in mathematical thinking along with their children while learning strategies, games and activities they can use at home to support their children. Please explore this page to access some of the activities and games that parents and students engaged in during our Math Night.
Math Twister
Trash Can Basketball
Beat the Teacher Link: https://reliefteachingideas.com/2013/10/01/beat-the-teacher-a-place-value-game/
Math Facts Basketball
Constructing a Stadium using shapes